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《半夢 HalfDream

Participatory art project, archive of dreams, cocktail, video

半夢_陳泳因Doreen Chan
00:00 / 02:37

陳泳因 Doreen Chan

畢業於芝加哥藝術學院藝術教育碩士課程。個人感知,物質性與日常生活被忽略的細節是她的主要創作題材,以影像及場域特定創作,與其它媒材融合重新審視私人記憶與身處環境之間的張力。2021年被選為Cultured Magazine 年青藝術家。

Doreen Chan graduated with a MA in Art Education from School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her artistic practice is based on the investigation of personal perception, materiality and frequently overlooked everyday details. As a lens-based and site-specific artist, she treats images as a raw, tangible material that can be integrated with various mediums to examine the tensions between relationships, memories and her immediate environments. She was named Cultured Magazine Young Artists 2021.



我喺度諗世界各地嘅大家面對相同又唔同嘅動盪。我哋瞓着咗之後,會唔會有機會發同一個夢呢?如果去除我哋喺現實社會嘅身份界定,用夢去連結大家,會係一番咩景象?我相信藝術創作同人與人聯繫的重要性,所以我聯合一班朋友同贊助機構建立 HalfDream —— 一個收集夢境同配對相似夢境嘅網上平台。希望有參與者同我哋一齊經歷。


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半夢 網上平台,預告短片

HalfDream online platform, introductory video

雞尾酒_陳泳因Doreen Chan
00:00 / 02:12


A cocktail based on a dreamer’s dream, video

I have started to have dreams every single night since March 2020. Each dream was long and exhausting. They seem to correspond to the changes, turmoils and losses we have witnessed in the past couple of years, both in my hometown Hong Kong and in the rest of the world. I find it strange how people tend to feel the most vulnerable at moments when they need to be the strongest. It was during those vulnerable moments when I started to think about my friends and other people who also had disturbing dreams. 

I wonder if it’s possible for people who are experiencing different things in different places to have similar dreams? If we remove our given identities set by the established orders of the society, could we be connected through dreams? I believe in art’s power in bringing people together. Therefore, with the help of my friends and sponsors, I setup HalfDream, an online platform to collect dreams and to match common dreams. I hope this project could offer a new experience to the participants. 

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