《栽種作為一種學習》領養計劃 Adopt A Plant Learning Project
Participatory art project, potted plants
連接 Visit the plant album in Facebook : 臉書專頁相簿
余廸文 Solomon Yu
Solomon Yu received his MA in Fine Arts form the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is interested in the negotiations between form and narration, exploring ways to set up situations that invite audience imagination, critical thinking, reevaluating their choices and actions. As an extension of his art practice, he enjoys collaborating with other artists on curating exhibitions and projects, as well as teaching in different settings.
// 既然生有時,死有時,栽種有時,拔出有時,那麼做事的人在他所勞碌的事上得到甚麼益處呢? //
領養方法:在臉書專頁相簿內的相關植物相下留言,分享簡述一個關於你在照顧 / 培育的過程中,察覺到自己不足之處,從被照顧 / 培育對象身上(可以是人、動 / 植物),有所領略增長了的經驗。留言分享認領,先到先得。
有興趣想知道哪些植物被領養了,和閱讀認領人的分享,可以去這個計劃的 臉書專頁相簿 了解。
If there is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, then what do we really gain from our toil?
As a teacher, every time I read a new list of students, I wonder what personalities and aspirations would be behind their names. After a year, I sometimes find their personalities match well with their names, sometimes I am not sure I have pushed them enough, other times I understand there are limits to what a teacher can do. But most often, I have learnt that I have things to improve and need to be more critical to my approach as a teacher.
In this project, I imagine my collection of house plants as young people, and give them personal names regardless of their species or market values. Anyone who find them attractive and are willing to know more about them, learn along and take care of them, could adopt them for free.
All you need to do : Visit this project photo album in our Facebook Page, and share a valuable experience, discovery or insight about taking care of / nurturing someone (person, animal or plant) underneath the plant you would like to adopt. If the plant has not been taken, we will contact you to arrange pick-up.
You can of course go to that photo album to check out which plants have been adopted as well as other people's sharing underneath.