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More魔神信徒筆試 More-Monster-God Written Exam
Online interactive game

More魔神信徒筆試_袁永賢 Thomas Yuen
00:00 / 02:26

袁永賢 Thomas Yuen


Thomas Yuen received his MA in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He explores different creative experiences to shed light on issues related to personal, spiritual and behavioral responses to social phenomena in diverse forms, including experiments, performances and interactive games.







The virtual character "More-Monster-God" was born out of the imagination of someone who works in education - a field that always fills with puzzling and paradoxical situations. Perhaps this is the reason "More-Monster-God" likes it very much and the goal he is driving everyone to be successful in.

Like we talk about developing the individual, yet most of the time in teaching practice, we put everyone in the same frame. We also know well that whichever way the textbook says is right, the opposite way also works somehow in real life. When it comes to exam, the pursuit of knowledge is not as critical as successful exam strategy.

More-Monster-God indeed appreciate these types of things. He would like to use a written exam to recruit followers, letting everyone to deepen what they have learned over the years and to perform even better in daily life situations. The exam contains multiple choice questions. As long as you know how More-Monster-God's mind works, you surely will succeed.

點擊下圖開始筆試 Click below image to start the exam …

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More魔神信徒筆試2_袁永賢 Thomas Yuen
00:00 / 01:36
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